Blog Three

1. Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.
  • Colors tend to have an unpredictable effect on our emotions. As artist use color they are very specific on colors they choose in order to control the energy of the painting. One example of how colors affects emotions were in one of the videos where two individuals were fighting against one another and, the person with the red uniform was considered a better fighter. It was stated color had the ability to override the fundamental ability of coaches.
2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?
  • What I found fascinating about colors was a method called glazes. Glazes is the process of using thin layers of color followed by other colors that slightly alters the tone and produced a final intended color. I found this interesting because simply by the use of colors artist are able to “keep the painting alive”.
3. In the Color videos, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions?
  • Throughout the video I was most impacted by the fact that artist use colors to precisely determine what sort of mood they’d like to set for the painting. I find It interesting that artist have the skill to previously decide the emotion of their viewers through hues, intensity, value, etc.The different variation in colors that they choose to use allows for a desired visual effect.


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